Dive in...
...Under the Sea

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Betta Fish

Hey guys, today's post is on one of my favorite type of household fish. The BETTA fish are commonly known as the "easiest" fish to take care of. In pet shops they advertise them in those tiny little cups and the aquarists there often tell you that all you really need is a 1/2 gallon bowl and a can of fish pellets.... WRONG. These fish (just like any other pet) need more attention than that!
The betta fish originally comes from Thailand. In the wild they live in the shallow rice paddies. Just because the water here is shallow does not mean it doesn't go on for miles. In general a wild male betta in the wild has a large territory that if transferred to a fish tank would include more than 10 gallons of water. Not only that, but these fish are TROPICAL. This means that as pets they need a heater and if you want to have a heater your going to have to purchase a larger tank so that the bowl wont overheat.
Since the betta fish has a labyrinth organ, it is able to "breathe" oxygen from the top of the water. This is why bettas are one of the few fish that are able to survive without a filtered tank. Notice that i used the word survive. Imagine if you had to live your life in a tiny bowl swimming around in your own waste due to the lack of a filtration system. Filters increase bettas lifespan by A LOT but please beware that (especially male) these fish may have trouble with strong filters because their fins are easily sucked into them. If you don't want to invest in a filter just make sure you perform water changes at least once a week. The bigger the tank, the less water change(s) you have to do for your little fish. In college, the buzzing noise of the filter bothers me when i am sleeping so i kept both my bettas in 2.5 gallons tanks. I would perform a weekly 100% water change and they are just fine. During the summer i add the filters to their tanks since i keep them downstairs.
The downside of keeping bettas is that once you buy one, you always want to get more! Every time i walk into a PETCO or Petsmart i always struggle to not buy anymore bettas because each betta requires its own tank. Never house bettas together or else they will fight to the death. Female bettas can form "packs" of about five individuals but this only works if they are introduced as babies. It is said that doing this also makes them lose their vibrant color.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Selkies are considered to be a different branch from the well known merfolk. Unlike merfolk, selkies are always documented as being female. On land, selkies appear as beautiful women with long black hair and haunting dark eyes. In the sea however, it is said they slip into the skins of seal and swim away into the ocean.

The most commonly known fact about selkies is that without their seal skin, they cannot return to the ocean. There are several tales of men who capture the skins of selkies bounding them to the land. Many times these selkies end up marrying these men and even have children with them who are said to be neither human nor selkie. These stories usually do not have happy endings because although the selkies become accustomed to their new life and love their husband and children, their love for the sea out competes all of them.

If a selkie is to find her stolen seal skin, it is said that no matter what she will always return the her ocean even if it means having to leave her family behind.

The Secret of Roan Inish: This is a fairly old movie but let me tell you the plot line is phenomenal. It may be slow at first but the suspense and mystery makes it worth the wait. You can watch the trailer here OR you can even watch the movie in parts on Youtube.

Ondine: I got so excited when i saw the trailer for this movie in 2010!!! I have yet to see this movie because none of the theaters near my home were playing it. I guess i'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD. The trailer for Ondine is found here.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do you believe?

Welcome -glub- to my -glub- under water blog. Here you will find tidbits of information regarding one of my favorite topics. The OCEAN and its millions of inhabitants both real and mythical.

Not only yesterday did the main webpage of cnn news present the discovery a never before document species of coral and sponge marine life which are thought to have been in existance since the dinosaurs era. Just imagine what other creatures are lurking out there in all the oceans of the world! Perhaps, some will never be discovered and will never make it into one of my tails-- oops I mean tales.

I'll open my first blog post with an extremely intriguing video I stumbled upon. Now let me tell you I've seen my share of mermaid sighting videos but never has one amazed me so much. Now i'll let you decide for yourself whether you think its real or not but it never hurts to let your imagination wander and BELIEVE.